Video Services
The Charlotte Harbor
Nature Festival 2007
Arts - Crafts and Other Stuff
Kelly Reark -
Kathy Przepadlo - (941) 575-1778
Susan Shore - Adventures in Sculpting -
Mary Cavanagh - (941) 624-6116
This hand crafted gemstone jewelry and native gifts by
Native Gems & Rock Shop in N. Fort Myers.
See anything interesting? Call: (239) 543-1137
Chinese papercutting by Jennifer - (941) 255-5161
Kevins Nature Photos -
Ruth - Companion Prints
Nature Walks & Wagon Rides
There were lots of nature walks and rides available all day long
Like this wagon ride through Tippecanoe Regional Park
The guided tour included lots of useful information about
the park
Pine Flatwoods are a common part of the Florida environment
Dead trees are left standing to make homes for woodpeckers, owls,
bats and other creatures... and then allowed to fall and make even more
habitat for the animals on the ground
Controlled Burning keeps the flatwoods healthy. Without fire
to control the thick underbrush... most of the native species of plants
and animals would die or move away.
The Entertainment continues Michael Haymans and Rosie Emery
SunTrust Bank was handing out free gifts
and telling people about their bank.
pictures of Port Charlotte Florida events
Talks about nature were arranged all through the day
Estuaries and Water Quality by Judith Ott.....
FDEP Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves phone
(941) 575-5861
Lisa Rhodin with Myakka River State
Park/TLC for Wildlife talks about Florida Reptiles.
This little box turtle has a hinged shell and can close up completely
to protect itself. Box turtles are land turtles and just live in
their shell. They don't need any kind of borrow or other protection.
While this Gopher Tortoise lives in a hole in the ground... and
may have a family that lives with him. Also a land turtle, you will
often see them crossing the street. Keep in mind that the only thing
you can do to help them is take them to the side of the road they were
aimed at. Do not take them to another "safer" location... as they
will not have borrow there... and their family will miss them.
The Animals
Animals leave footprints in the sand just like humans do.
This booth had a large variety of rubber animal feet that kids
could press into the sand and see what the tracks would look like.
There were also a variety of animal skulls to give people an idea
of what they would look like if you found one in the woods.
The Nature of Florida is in the animals. All the animals
shown here are protected, and my not be owned by the public. This
little Screech Owl is a powerful hunter and loves rodents and roaches
Bringing kids and animals together was the most fun and
interesting way to get them to understand the importance
of keeping their Florida environment healthy.
The Barred owl is also a powerful hunter
Seeing a baby alligator up close and personal
A Red Tailed Hawk - One of the most comon hawks
American Kestrel - The smallest of the Falcons
Getting the kids and animals to get in touch
This Python is not at all slippery. As a matter of fact he
has quite a smooth texture to his upper skin because it does not have scales
like many other snakes. But large scales on his belly help him to crawl.
This Red Rat Snake is also quite friendly... and not to be mistaken
as an enemy. They are very useful to humans because they hunt down
and eat rats and insects.
Touching is what this was all about. Not just seeing.
A fun experience they can carry with them all their life.
Snakes are cold blooded... and pick up more and more energy when
they warm up. That's why you see them laying out in the sun
I just had to hold this one myself. Notice his little tongue
sticking out? He's smelling... or actually tasting the air around
my arm to help identify what was around him.
These little red rat snakes are as cute as the kids holding them.
Remember... if you see one of these... that they are normally friendly...
but if they are shedding their skin, they can't see very well and may strike
at anything that moves. Best to leave them alone.
This python was beautiful. Notice how the natural camouflage
on the side of his head runs right through his eye
Florida Panthers are quickly becoming extinct. There are
only a few places where they have enough room to roam. Places like
the Florida Panther Refuge offer some help... but it will be up to the
general public to save these unique and beautiful creatures.
You can find more information at
Thank you for visiting Nature Festival
To see more pictures of this event...
just follow the page links
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Englewood Small Business
These photo web pages were built with
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resolution of 1024 x 768
Need a photographer for your next
event ??
Robert Shainline
P.O. Box 906
Cape Haze, FL 33946
Pictures of Englewood Florida
Pictures from Port Charlotte
Pictures from Charlotte County
pictures of snakes and owls and
Pictures of caterpillars
& butterflies
pictures of kids learning about
Pictures of painted faces
pictures of the Charlotte Harbor
Regional Nature Festival
All photographs copyrighted by
Robert Shainline 2006
Member of the
Chamber of Commerce
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